Kyle Kremer is a 2008 Fairmont graduate. He is one of four Kremer brothers to play trumpet in the Kettering Band program, YES 4! His interests in Music and Science have taken him to some amazing places and now he is combining them in a new project he calls "Cosmos in Concert."
In a recent email exchange Kyle shared some thoughts on his educational experience at Fairmont.
"I had a great experience as both a music student and a science student at Fairmont, which made it difficult to choose just one of these fields when I started college. Rather than choosing, I decided to pursue a double major in physics and trumpet performance at Northwestern.I have found my musical training indispensable to my scientific pursuits. A successful career in science goes far beyond the ability to solve equations. Scientific research demands problem solving, creativity, and the ability to communicate and collaborate with others. A musical instrument is a fantastic tool for developing these skills. My musical education, which began in Kettering's first-rate music program, helped lay the foundation for a successful career as a scientist.
I have constantly found that my experience as a musician has given me a leg up in these aspects. A musical instrument is a fantastic tool!"
Michael Berning, Kettering Director of Bands, had a few favorite memories of Kyle to share- "When I think of Kyle my first memory was an extremely proud moment- watching Kyle perform the Artunian Trumpet Concerto as a soloist with the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra at the Schuster Center. We took the entire wind ensemble on a field trip to see his performance - it was wonderful!" A second recollection involved all 4 Kremer boys. "One fall, while Kyle was at Northwestern, he contacted me with the idea of performing the trumpet trio "Bugler's Holiday" with his two younger brothers who were still in the Fairmont band program over the holidays. I took him up on the offer and we even threw in some "shtick" with the youngest brother, Luke, who was still in elementary school, appearing on stage for a special encore blurting out some quickly learned "notes!" "That was truly a special moment for a special family of musicians - years later a photo of that performance is still featured on the Tradition/Excellence/Pride banners hanging in the band room"
The Brothers Kremer Performing "Bugler's Holiday"
Mr. Jeff McManus, Fairmont Physics teacher had some additional comments to share when recently discussing Kyle and his training in the fields of science and music.
"Certainly both pursuits require relentless discipline if they are to be done well. That's something that set Kyle apart. He was not satisfied with almost solved this right, or almost played this right.
Research is clear on the positive effects that musical training has on the brain in general, and on scientific thinking specifically. But Kyle demonstrated to me that scientific training can benefit those learning music. For instance, there are certain rules or forms in science that are expected to be followed if one communicates scientifically with others. But the real geniuses in science are those that bend the rules a little, or propose a form that is a little different than the conventional. This is how new truths in nature are discovered and progress is made. In music, that would be called creativity and interpretation, which are what separate excellent musicians like Kyle from those that are just playing the notes on the score."
Kyle's latest project combines his love of music and science in a very profound and creative way. Please take a moment to check out his work.